In Japanese, word 'Karate' means: 'Empty Hand'. (Kara means: 'empty', Te means: 'hand').
Not only striking, training and fighting without weapons, there are subtler meanings.
Martial Arts - like Karate - have roots in the Buddhist Shaolin Temple in China (Henan Province), so those who look for meanings, should not ignore Buddhism in their search.
Emptiness in Buddhism means impermanence, not only enemies will pass away - karate itself is of empty nature, will fade with time. Then probably will reappear, as emptiness is impermanent too.
... how it is related with Rebirths & Reincarnations? (Rebirth and Reincarnation are not the same things).
Word: 'te', can be associated with giving hand, the hand that gives lessons.
Word: 'karat' is measure of gold purity, but also 'carat' is measure of weight and value of diamonds.
How many carats has the Diamond Way Karate? (what is it's value)?
... hopefully a lot of carats. :)